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Home Maintenance


Repair Help
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Free troubleshooting and repair help for heating and cooling equipment, outdoor power equipment and home appliances is a click away. Enter your appliance or equipment model number for model-specific repair help including award-winning how-to videos.

Complete home maintenance in the winter months to improve energy efficiency and keep appliances and heating systems running well.

  • Pay attention to changes in appliance and heating and cooling equipment performance
    Changes in appliance and equipment performance are often warning signs of larger problems. Troubleshoot and complete repairs as needed to improve energy efficiency and avoid costly repairs later.
    Repair Help
  • Change the furnace or air handler air filter change furnace air filter
    This should happen every three months, or more frequently, depending on the region. A clean air filter is critical to home air quality and to the proper operation of your furnace or air handler.

    Periodically check the condition of your furnace or air handler's filter to determine the frequency necessary for changing the filter in your home.
  • Clean or replace the humidifier filter, if equipped on your unit
  • Make sure registers are obstruction free throughout your home clear register
    Drapes and furniture should be positioned at a considerable distance from the registers to enable proper air flow. Rugs should not touch the registers.
  • Seal the exterior
    Check your home's exterior for gaps and holes that may cause drafts and increased heating costs. Use expanding foam to seal exterior holes. Seal gaps around window and door frames with weatherstripping and caulking.
  • Clean out dryer venting dryer vent brush
    Use a long dryer vent cleaning brush to remove lint buildup from inside of the dryer through the outside venting. Lint buildup in dryer venting is an extreme fire risk. A thorough venting cleanout should happen at least once annually.
  • Thoroughly clean the refrigerator's condenser coils
    Use a bristle brush to clear dust and dirt from the condenser coils.
  • Replace the refrigerator water filter, if equipped
    Refrigerator water filters should be replaced every six months or more frequently.
    Shop water filters
Repair Help
Something broken?

Free troubleshooting and repair help for heating and cooling equipment, outdoor power equipment and home appliances is a click away. Enter your appliance or equipment model number for model-specific repair help including award-winning how-to videos.

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