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4 Simple Ways to Save Your Vacuum Cleaner


Your vacuum cleaner is one of those appliances you use frequently and don’t think too much about until it stops working. To prevent unnecessarily dirty floors and broken vacuum cleaners, Repair Clinic thought we’d give you four easy ways to keep it alive:

  1. Replace the Bag/Clean the Canister/Dirt Cup
    Okay, this one seems almost too simple. But you’d be amazed how many people try to push the limits on their vacuum cleaner bags or the canisters (dirt cups) on bagless models. If your vacuum uses bags, be sure to replace them when they’re about 3/4 full to keep it running efficiently. If you try to vacuum with a full bag, there’s no place for the dirt to go! If you’re vacuuming and it’s not picking up any dirt, then you probably need a new bag.

    If your vacuum is bagless, keep an eye on the marker indicating when it’s time to empty it. Your best bet is to get into the habit of emptying it after each use. Depending on your model, you might want to also rinse it after you empty it to get rid of the remaining debris.
  2. Clean the Brushroll
    Carpet strings and other items can get wrapped around your vacuum cleaner’s brushroll, so you’ll want to periodically turn it over and remove them. You can usually remove most things with the brushroll still on the vacuum, but for more stubborn debris you may want to remove it to get the job done right.

    While it varies by model, most brushrolls are kept in place by a plate. Just remove the plate and then you’ll be able to slide the roll out from the slots on either side. You may need to use scissors to remove longer objects from the roll. Once you’re done, just put the brushroll and plate back in place.
  3. Put in a New Filter
    Most newer vacuum cleaners have one or two filters to help remove any extra particles that could aggravate allergies, etc. Some models require you to fully replace the filters while others have filters you can rinse off and reuse. Depending on your model, you’ll want to replace or rinse your vacuum’s filters every six to 12 months. And if your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter, designed to improve air quality, be sure to keep an eye on it and clean or replace it when necessary.
  4. Check the Belt
    Your vacuum cleaner’s belt is what keeps the brushroll in place. If the belt isn’t fitting snugly against the roll, it may be time to get a new one. Take a look to see if it’s worn out or frayed too. You’ll also want to make sure it’s properly placed so you won’t have future problems with it. Depending on how often you vacuum, you may want to change the belt. Every six to 12 months if you use if frequently or every year or two if you use it a couple times a month or less.

    It’s easy to replace the belt. Just turn your vacuum over, remove the plate and brushroll and then slide off the belt. Just reverse the process to put on a new one.

When in doubt for any of the above easy maintenance tips, refer to your vacuum cleaner’s owner’s manual to see the correct steps to take and frequency of replacing worn parts.

If you need additional assistance, be sure visit our Vacuum Cleaner Repair Help page for troubleshooting tips and repair videos. And don’t forget, Repair Clinic has millions of appliance parts available for same-day shipping and we offer a 365 return policy guarantee.

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