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6 Simple Appliance Fixes Under $40

Repair Help
Broken appliance?

Free troubleshooting and repair help for major appliances such as dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators and many others is a click away. Enter your appliance model number for model-specific repair help including award-winning how-to videos.

Many of the most common appliance problems can be solved with 30 minutes and an inexpensive replacement part. Note that for most symptoms, there are several possible causes. We've listed common causes and fixes. Enter your model number in our Repair Help for model-specific troubleshooting and repair help.

  1. Problem: Dryer is taking too long to complete cycle

    Dryer Vent Common cause: Lint buildup in dryer venting is restricting air flow

    Fix: Clean out dryer venting from inside of the dryer to the outside

    This is an easy, do-it-yourself job with a long dryer venting cleaning brush. You'll find a few brush options when you browse Dryer Accessories. (~$40)

    Dryer lint buildup is a significant fire risk and results in thousands of fires across the U.S. and Canada every year. In addition to cleaning out the dryer lint trap after every load, be sure to clean out the venting system thoroughly at least once per year.
  2. Problem: Refrigerator ice maker won't make ice

    Ice Common cause: Freezer temperature is above 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 Celsius)

    Fix: Adjust the freezer temperature. If the freezer is failing to reach the set temperature, check to make sure the condenser coils are clean ($0).

    Refrigerator repair help
  3. Problem: Oven doesn't bake evenly (food is cooking unevenly)

    Oven Common cause: Failing heating element
    A heating element is the thin, black tube located at the bottom of an oven. It will glow red when operating normally. If it's failing in some places, you'll notice burned out or blistered sections on the heating element.

    Fix: Heating element replacement(~$30)

    Range-stove-oven repair help
  4. Problem: The dryer doesn't heat or spin but it has power

    thermal fuse Common cause: Failed thermal fuse
    This generally occurs when there is an air flow restriction in the dryer's venting system caused by lint buildup. When this happens, the thermal fuse cannot be reset; it must be replaced.

    Fix: Thermal fuse replacement (~$20)

    Dryer repair help
  5. Problem: Water or ice from dispenser tastes bad

    Water Dispenser Common cause: Dirty water filter

    Fix: Water filter replacement (~$40)

    Water filters should be replaced every six months or more often, depending on the manufacturer recommendations or usage frequency.

    Refrigerator parts
  6. Problem: Washing machine won't drain or spin

    Common cause: The lid switch has failed, mechanically or electrically

    Fix: Lid switch assembly replacement (~$20)

    Washing machine repair help
Repair Help
Broken appliance?

Free troubleshooting and repair help for major appliances such as dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators and many others is a click away. Enter your appliance model number for model-specific repair help including award-winning how-to videos.

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