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Now is the Time to Prepare Your Yard for Winter

Once autumn arrives, most homeowners focus on raking leaves – but there are plenty of other things you should be doing this time of year to get your yard ready for winter. Repair Clinic has a few simple tips to get your yard prepared for the long, cold winter ahead:

  • Keep Mowing
    Just because the temperature has dropped, it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for mowing yet. Keep mowing every 10 to 14 days and cut the lawn the minimum height for your grass. Once the ground freezes, you can store your lawn mower for the winter (just make sure you learn about common lawn mower mistakes before you do).  If your lawn mower isn’t behaving, you can get lawn mower repair help here.
  • Mow Your Leaves
    When the leaves are first falling, you’ll want to mow over them and let the cuttings give your lawn extra nutrients to better weather the winter.
  • Create Your Own Compost
    Once the leaves really start falling, you’ll want to rake most of them up and turn them into compost. You should also clean up any branches or twigs in your yard and gardens and add them to your compost. A wood chipper can help you turn twigs and branches into readily usable mulch and a leaf blower can help you tame runaway leaves. (We have parts and great repair help for both wood chippers and leaf blowers.)
  • Use the Compost
    Give your flower beds a little protection from the upcoming winter by covering them using your newly made compost. No compost? A layer of store-bought mulch will also do the job.
  • Pruning Dos and Don’ts
    You’ll want to pull up and annuals. There are a few annuals, like geraniums and impatiens, which you can take cuttings of and turn into houseplants. For the most part, you’ll want to leave your perennials alone. This will stop you from trimming away any new growth and allows the plant stems to store energy to survive the colder months. The only trimming you should do on perennials is deadheading any flowers and removing any diseased plants.
  • Fall Planting
    For stronger, happier plants in warmer weather, you’ll want to plant those spring bulbs now. And fall is also a great time to transplant any trees or shrubs, the kinder temperatures will work in their favor.
  • Aerate and Fertilize the Grass
    Before the ground freezes, be sure to aerate your lawn. This will reduce compaction and will help the fertilizer and water reach the roots. If needed, you can reseed any thin areas of your lawn. After that, you’ll want to spread fertilizer in a crisscross pattern to avoid a striped lawn in the spring.

A little extra effort in the fall will not only make spring easier for you, your lawn and garden will thank you with greener grass and more blooms.

If your lawn equipment has seen better days and is in need of TLC or new parts, Repair Clinc has the lawn equipment parts and repair help you need to prep your yard for winter. Don’t forget that RepairClinic.com has millions of parts available for same-day shipping and we offer a 365 return policy guarantee.

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