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Snowblower won't start?

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Many of the most common problems with snowblowers are caused when owners fail to properly prepare them for off-season storage.

A few simple maintenance steps completed now will ensure your snowblower will start, problem free, when you need it again.

  • Review the snowblower owner's manual
    Recommended maintenance procedures vary by manufacturer, model and single vs. dual stage units.
  • Be safe
    For safety purposes, turn off the snowblower, disconnect the spark plug, disengage the clutch and wait 60 seconds before beginning any maintenance work on the snowblower.
  • Thoroughly check parts for damage or wear and replace as needed
    Pay particular attention to the scraper blade and slide shoes, as they protect the snowblower housing from damage. Replace these parts if they're worn thin or appear damaged beyond repair.
    Snowblower parts
  • Replace the fuel filter and spark plug spark plug
    It is not possible to determine if a fuel filter is clogged or damaged. Since it cannot be cleaned, it is wise to simply replace the fuel filter annually. Due to its important function and because it weakens over time, the spark plug should be replaced annually.
  • Drain and replace the oil
    Be sure to consult the snowblower's owner's manual before completing this step; the proper way to tilt the snowblower varies by model. Unscrew the oil drain plug, tilt the unit and drain the oil into a bucket. Many small engine repair shops and home improvement centers offer free recycling program for old oil.
  • Inspect the auger auger
    Look for damage to the auger. If you have a single-stage model, pay particular attention to the auger paddles. If they've worn so thin that they no longer touch the ground, it's time to replace them. Exposed metal can cause expensive damage.
  • Remove grease and grime
    Spray degreaser on dirty, greasy spots and allow it to sit at least 10 minutes before wiping with a cloth.
  • Add fuel stabilizer to fresh fuel fuel filter
    It's best to consult the snowblower owner's manual on this topic but in general, keeping fuel in a snowblower during the off season is said to prevent key components from clogging, rusting and drying out.
  • Lubricate bearings
    To prevent rusting, spray lubricant on wheel and auger bearings. On dual-stage models, also lubricate impeller bearings.
    Snowblower maintenance products
  • Pick a cool, dry location for storage
    Avoid storing snowblowers in basements or other living spaces for safety reasons. Cover the snowblower to minimize dust and dirt buildup and store the snowblower in a garage and shed.
Repair Help
Snowblower won't start?

Free troubleshooting and repair help for outdoor power equipment such as snowblowers, lawn mowers, chainsaws and many others is a click away. Enter your outdoor power equipment or small engine model number for model-specific repair help including award-winning how-to videos.

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