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Ready for Spring? Five Tasks to Do Now

Counting the days till spring yet? While we all long for warmer days, spring also brings weeding, planting, mowing, trimming and more! Repair Clinic has a few tasks you can do inside before your days are taken up with the chores that come with spring.

  1. Be Aware
    Look for any changes in the performance of your appliances and/or heating or cooling equipment. These changes are often warning signs of bigger problems. Take the time to
    troubleshoot and make any repairs needed to improve energy efficiency and avoid costly repairs later.
  2. Change the Furnace Air Filter
    Are you changing your
    furnace air filter every three months or so? You should be! Dirty furnace air filters can affect your home’s air quality the furnace’s efficiency.  You’ll also want to clean or replace the humidifier filter or pad, if it has one.

    Get furnace repair help.
  3. Remove Lint from Dryer Venting
    In addition to cleaning the
    dryer lint filter before/after each load, you also need to remove lint buildup from your dryer’s venting at least once a year. We recommend using a special dryer cleaning brush or long vacuum attachment to clean it out. Lint buildup in dryer venting is an extreme fire risk and can lead to problems with the dryer itself.

    Get dryer repair help.
  4. Clean Refrigerator Condenser Coils
    Your fridge will run better and use less energy if its condenser coils are clean. Every 6-12 months you should use a
    long-handled bristle brush to clear dust and dirt from the condenser coils.

    Get refrigerator repair help.
  5. Replace the Fridge Water Filter
    Most refrigerators tend to have
    water filters these days. If yours has one, you should be replacing it every six months or more, depending on use.

Repair Clinic has millions of repair parts available for same-day shipping and we offer a 365 return policy guarantee. Call 800-269-2609 if you need help placing an order today.

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