Kenmore Range Vent Hood Doesn't Vent to The Outside

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Range vent hood doesn't vent to the outside are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Range vent hood doesn't vent to the outside

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Cause 1Blower Motor

To determine if the blower motor is defective, turn on the vent hood and check to see if the fan blade is spinning. If the fan blade does not spin, ensure that power is getting to the motor. If power is not getting to the motor, test the switch for continuity. If the motor is receiving power, but the motor won’t turn, replace the blower motor.

Cause 2Blower Wheel and Housing

One possibility is that something is caught in the blower wheel. It is also possible that the blower wheel is rubbing against the blower housing. To determine if the blower wheel is at fault, try spinning the blower fan by hand. If the blower wheel does not spin freely, check for the blower wheel for obstructions. In addition, ensure that the blower wheel is not rubbing against the blower housing. If the blower wheel is clear of obstructions, but it still doesn’t spin freely, replace the blower wheel and housing.

Cause 3Blower Wheel

One possibility is that something is caught in the blower wheel. It is also possible that the blower wheel is rubbing against the blower housing. To determine if the blower wheel is at fault, try spinning the blower fan by hand. If the blower wheel does not spin freely, check for the blower wheel for obstructions. In addition, ensure that the blower wheel is not rubbing against the blower housing. If the blower wheel is clear of obstructions, but it still doesn’t spin freely, replace the blower wheel.

Cause 4Fan Blade

Check to see if the fan blade is still tightly fastened to the motor shaft. If the blade is loose, try to tighten it. If the blade cannot be properly tightened, replace it.

Cause 5Grease Filter

If the range hood is not venting correctly check out the grease filter(s). If the filter is very dirty it can be cleaned. Remove it and soak it in a degreasing solution until the grease is dissolved. Next, wash it with warm, soapy water to remove any traces of the degreaser. If the filter does not come clean or is damaged, replace it.

Cause 6Air Filter

If the range hood is not venting correctly check out the air filter(s). If the filter is very dirty they should be replaced as there is usually no good way to clean it in most cases.

Cause 7Filter

If the range hood is not venting correctly inspect the filters to confirm they are clean. A dirty grease filter can be cleaned by removing it and soaking it in a degreasing solution until the grease is dissolved. Next, wash it with warm, soapy water to remove any traces of the degreaser. A clogged air filter, charcoal filter, or a damaged grease filter should be replaced with a new one.

Cause 8Air Flow Problem

Check the vent to determine if it is clogged. In addition, examine the ducting to ensure that it is clear of debris.

Cause 9Non-Vented Hood

Not all vent hoods vent outside. Some vent hoods are convertible to vent either inside or outside. If the unit is vented outsde there will be ducts (usually metal) directing the exhausted air to the outside vent hood which terminates either on the side of the house or the roof. If you don't have a vent hood on the side of the house or roof the vent hood is likely vented back into the kitchen through filters.

Cause 10Vent Damper

Many range vent hoods have a vent damper positioned above the blower motor to help keep the outside air from migrating back into the house when the vent is not in use. If the damper is damaged or obstructed it may be unable to open to allow the air to vent properly. Inspect the vent damper for an obstruction or damage and replace if necessary.

Cause 11Damper

Many range vent hoods have a damper positioned above the blower motor to help keep the outside air from migrating back into the house when the vent is not in use. If the damper is damaged or obstructed it may be unable to open to allow the air to vent properly. Inspect the damper for an obstruction or damage and replace if necessary.
