Universal Range Vent Hood Touchpad Doesn't Work

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Range vent hood touchpad doesn't work are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Range vent hood touchpad doesn't work

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Cause 1Touchpad

To determine if the touchpad is defective, try pressing some of the keypad buttons. If some of the keypad buttons work, while other buttons do not work, the touchpad might be at fault.

Cause 2User Control and Display Board

The user control and display board may be defective. Control boards are often misdiagnosed—before replacing the user control and display board, first check all of the more commonly defective parts.

Cause 3Main Control Board

The main control board may be defective. To determine if the touchpad is defective, try pressing some of the keypad buttons. If some of the keypad buttons work while other buttons do not work at all, the keypad is likely defective. If none of the keypad buttons work, the main control board may be defective.

Cause 4Incoming Power Problem

Vent hoods are typically hardwired to the circuit breaker box, but they can also be plugged into a wall outlet behind the cover panel. In either case, it may be difficult to test the incoming power to the vent hood without removing a large cover panel. If the unit is plugged into an accessible wall outlet you can plug another small appliance into the outlet to confirm there is power. If you cannot access the incoming power connection easily, confirm the circuit breaker suppling power to the vent hood has not tripped.

Cause 5Control Board

Most range vent hood control boards have the buttons attached to the board. If you've determined that power is reaching the board, then it's likely the control board is defective and will need to be replaced. If there is a separate touchpad, it would be a good idea to replace both the control board and touchpad at the same time.
