Magic Chef Garbage Disposal Hums But Doesn't Work

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Garbage disposal hums but doesn't work are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Garbage disposal hums but doesn't work

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Cause 1Plate is Jammed

Most disposers have an opening at the bottom of the housing. If the shredding plate is stuck, insert either a disposer wrench or a ¼ inch Allen wrench into the bottom of the disposer and wiggle the shredding plate back and forth until it moves freely. If the disposer does not have an opening at the bottom, insert a broom handle into the drain opening and try to wiggle the plate. If the shredding plate is not stuck, or the disposer motor still hums after you free the plate, this indicates that the motor is defective. The motor is not repairable—if the motor is defective, you must replace it.

Cause 2Shredding Plate

Most disposers have an opening on the bottom of the housing. If the grinding plate is jammed, insert an Allen wrench into this opening and turn the plate to clear the obstruction. If your disposer does not have an opening on the bottom, insert a broom handle through the top opening and wiggle the plate. If the motor still hums after you free the grinding plate, or if the plate won’t turn freely, replace the entire disposer.

Cause 3Non-Serviceable Motor

Most disposers have an opening at the bottom of the housing. To free the motor, insert either a disposer wrench or a ¼ inch Allen wrench into the bottom of the disposer and wiggle the motor back and forth until it moves freely. If the disposer does not have an opening at the bottom, insert a broom handle into the drain opening and try to wiggle the motor. If the motor is not jammed, or the motor still hums after you free the plate, this indicates that the motor is defective. The disposer motor is not replaceable—if the disposer motor is defective or worn out, you must replace the entire disposer.