Medallion Central Air Conditioner Leaking at Furnace or Air Handler

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Central air conditioner leaking at furnace or air handler are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Central air conditioner leaking at furnace or air handler

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Cause 1Evaporator Coil Not Tilted Toward Drain

To help the condensate water to flow towards the drain outlet in the pan, most installers will tilt the evaportor coil slightly towards the drain hole. If the evaporator coil is not level, or tilted incorrectly, water will not flow to the drain hole and may overflow the pan.

Cause 2Drip Tray

The evaporator is normally tilted slightly towards the drain hole to help the water to drain properly into the drip tray. If water is leaking from the drip tray but the tray is not overflowing, the drip tray is likely cracked and will need to be replaced.

Cause 3Drain Pan

The evaporator is normally tilted slightly towards the drain hole to help the water to drain properly into the drain pan. If water is leaking from the drain pan but the pan is not overflowing, the drain pan is likely cracked and will need to be replaced.

Cause 4Clogged Drain Tube or Drain Trap

When the air conditioner is running, condensation forms on the evaporator coil and drips into a drain pan. From there the water is directed through a pipe with a trap to a floor drain or condensate pump. If the drain tube or trap gets clogged, the water will back up and overflow the drain pan. If water is leaking from the evaporator pan, it is likely the drain tube or trap is clogged and will need to be cleared to allow the water to flow normally.