Gaggenau Microwave Buttons Not Working

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Microwave buttons not working are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Microwave buttons not working

For the most accurate results, enter your model number.

Cause 1Touchpad and Control Panel

To determine if the touchpad and control panel are defective, try pressing each of the buttons on the control panel. If some of the buttons respond correctly while others don’t, replace the touchpad and control panel.

Cause 2Touchpad

To determine if the touchpad is defective, try pressing each of the buttons on the control panel. If some of the buttons respond correctly while others don’t, replace the touchpad.

Cause 3User Control and Display Board

To determine if the control and display board is defective, try pressing each of the buttons on the control panel. If none of the buttons are responding correctly, replace the user control and display board.

Cause 4Control Board

To determine if the control board is defective, try pressing each of the buttons on the control panel. If none of the buttons are responding correctly, it is possible that the control board is defective.

Cause 5Main Control Board

To determine if the control and display board is defective, try pressing each of the buttons on the control panel. If none of the buttons are responding correctly, it is possible that the main control is defective.

Cause 6Door Switch

If none of the microwave buttons are working, you should use a multimeter to test the door switches for electrical continuity. If one of more of the switches test negative for continuity, the switch or switches should be replaced.

Cause 7Micro Switch

If none of the microwave buttons are working, you should use a multimeter to test the door switches (micro switches) for electrical continuity. If one of more of the switches test negative for continuity, the switch or switches should be replaced.

Cause 8Control Panel

Control Panel

Cause 9Switch Holder

Switch Holder

Cause 10Control Module

Control Module
