Jenn Air Microwave is Tripping Circuit Breaker

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Microwave is tripping circuit breaker are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Microwave is tripping circuit breaker

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Cause 1Door Switch

Most microwaves have three or four door switches. When the microwave door closes, the door switches actuate in sequence to ensure that the door is closed properly. If any of the door switches fail, the microwave line fuse can blow, or the circuit breaker may trip. To determine if any of the door switches are defective, use a multimeter to test each of the switches for continuity. If any of the door switches lack continuity, replace the defective switch. (Caution: The microwave oven can store thousands of volts of electricity in its high voltage capacitor, even after the microwave oven has been unplugged. Due to the potential for electric shock, it is extremely dangerous to replace the electronic components in a microwave. Only a licensed technician should replace a door switch.)

Cause 2High Voltage Capacitor

A microwave that is tripping a circuit breaker can be caused by a shorted high voltage capacitor. You can determine that a capacitor has shorted by contacting one multimeter lead to one of the capacitor's terminals and the other lead to the casing. If meter display indicates that electrical continuity is present between any of the capacitor terminals and the casing, or the terminals show continuous continuity between them, the component has shorted and will need to be replaced.

Cause 3Magnetron

A microwave that is tripping a circuit breaker can be caused by a shorted magnetron. You can determine that a magnetron has shorted by contacting one multimeter lead to one of the magnetron's terminals and the other lead to the casing. If meter display indicates that electrical continuity is present between any of the terminals and the casing, the magnetron has shorted and will need to be replaced.

Cause 4High Voltage Transformer

A microwave that is tripping a circuit breaker can be caused by a shorted high voltage transformer. When a high voltage transformer shorts out, it will usually arc and smell burnt.
