Trane Central Air Conditioner is Noisy or Loud

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Central air conditioner is noisy or loud are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Central air conditioner is noisy or loud

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Cause 1Debris Hitting Fan

Over time debris can fall into the condensing unit, causing a noise when the fan is running. Inspect the fan blade and inside the unit for any debris. Clean out the condensing unit as needed.

Cause 2Panels Vibrating

If the outdoor condensing unit is noisy, the grille or one of the panels may be loose and vibrating. Check for loose panels and tighten them as needed.

Cause 3Fan Blade

The fan blade on the condenser fan motor might be defective or loose. To check the fan blade, wiggle the fan motor shaft. If the motor shaft is loose, tighten or replace the set screw. If the condenser fan motor is still making noise, replace the fan blade.

Cause 4Condenser Fan Motor

The condenser fan motor has bearings that can wear out over time. When the bearings are worn out, they make loud noise. To check the bearings, try rotating the condenser fan motor by hand. If the motor does not turn smoothly, replace it.

Cause 5Contactor

The furnace control board sends a low voltage signal to the contactor. When the contactor receives the signal from the control board, it closes the circuit, sending voltage to the condensing unit components. If the contactor is defective, it will not provide voltage to the condensing unit. In addition, the contactor will make noise when it is defective. If the condensing unit is making noise but not cooling, the contactor has probably failed. To determine if the contactor is at fault, use a multimeter to test the contactor for continuity. If the contactor does not have continuity, replace it.

Cause 6Compressor

The compressor pumps refrigerant through the central air conditioning unit. When the compressor is wearing out, it generates more noise than usual. When this happens, it is not necessary to replace the compressor—compressors often last for years after they become noisy. However, if you would prefer to have a new compressor, you must have a licensed professional replace it.

Cause 7Filter Drier

A filter drier helps to keep the refrigerant used in the condensing unit's sealed system clean and it also helps to remove moisture from the system. Although not usually the cause of a sealed system failure, the filter drier should be replaced any time the sealed system is compromised, such as when a compressor or evaporator is replaced, or when a refrigerant leak needs to be repaired.
