Roper Air Conditioner is Loud or Noisy

The part(s) or condition(s) listed below for the symptom Air conditioner is loud or noisy are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur. Check or test each item, starting with the items at the top of the page.

Most Frequent Causes for Air conditioner is loud or noisy

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Cause 1Compressor

When the compressor is wearing out, it generates more noise than usual. When this happens, it is not necessary to replace the compressor—compressors often last for years after they become noisy. However, if you would prefer to have a new compressor, have a licensed professional replace it.

Cause 2Dual Shaft Fan Motor

The fan motor or dual shaft fan motor has bearings which are usually permanently lubricated. However, over several years, the lubrication will break down, causing the motor to become noisy. If this happens, replace the dual shaft fan motor.

Cause 3Fan Blade

Air conditioners have a fan blade in the front and a fan blade in the rear. Check both fan blades for damage. If a fan blade is damaged, or is rubbing against the fan housing, replace it.

Cause 4Condenser Fan Motor

To determine if the condenser fan motor is working, use a multimeter to test the incoming voltage to the motor. If the condenser fan motor is receiving the correct voltage, but the motor still won’t run, you should inspect the capacitor, if applicable, for any bulging or leaking. You can also use a multimeter to determine if the capacitor can hold and release its charge. If the capacitor appears to be in good condition, replace the condenser fan motor.

Cause 5Fan Motor

The fan blades might be scraping against the blower housing. Air conditioners have a fan blade in the front and a fan blade in the rear. Check both fan blades to ensure that they are not rubbing against the housing. If the blades aren’t rubbing against the housing and the fan motor is still noisy, check the fan motor bearings for wear. If the bearings are worn, replace the fan motor.

Cause 6Blower Wheel

Wiggle the blower wheel to see if it wobbles on the motor shaft. If the blower wheel is loose, try tightening or replacing the set screw screw if it has one. If blower wheel still isn’t stable, replace the blower wheel altogether.

Cause 7Motor


Cause 8Brace


Cause 9Blower Motor

One or more of the fan blades might be scraping against the housing. Air conditioners have a fan blade in the front and a fan blade in the rear. Check both fan blades to ensure that they are not rubbing against the housing. If the blades aren’t rubbing against the housing and the fan motor is still noisy, check the blower motor bearings for wear. If the bearings are worn, replace the blower motor.

Cause 10Bearing

An air conditioner blower wheel bearing supports the wheel as it spins to circulate the air. If the bearing is worn out, the blower wheel may vibrate and make noise as it rotates. Some blower wheel bearings can be replaced independently of the blower wheel.
